Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

the clarifying qualities of early morning fog

Ahhh, the mountains. I have been getting up very early lately (usually around 7:30) in order to savor the air -- sweet, cool, moist, and best of all quiet. With every passing day it's becoming easier to savor; the six and a half weeks that seemed an eternity are almost over. I had my last lesson today with Mrs. Pridonoff, which was fantastic as usual, and my last studio class as well. Tonight I attended the last chamber music concert, and that's pretty much it for me. Crazy. Tomorrow will be spent visiting my boyfriend and my boyfriend's family in Asheville. How is that possible, you ask? Aren't they from Iowa or some far flung state like that? Actually, his brother happens to be getting married at the Biltmore Estate -- purely coincidental, but a convenient coincidence nonetheless. After our hurried reunion I'll spend tomorow night back here to watch the opera company perform their last scenes concert, then Friday I'll pack and say my good byes and watch two more fantastic concerts, one of the orchestra and one of student ensembles playing new music written by the composers here. Then Saturday morning I'm off! Not home quite yet, though... I'll spend the rest of the weekend with my aunt's family in Nashville and then finish the drive Monday. Definitely dreading that long long long drive across Missouri but the pay-off will be worth it: HOME!

Seeing as this will probably be my final blog from Brevard, I feel as though I ought to say something about what I've learned here, but it's hard for me to summarize something that hasn't quite wrapped itself up yet, especially when it comes to my own inner, personal growth and development. What I can do is copy and paste a bit from an e-mail I wrote recently, though: "I know, can already see, that I have grown as a musician. I understand my playing better and what I need to do to improve it, I have learned to play tons of literature and listened to sooooo much more, I've gained understanding of what it means to have a career as a musician, I've lost some of my fears of live performance, I've gotten to know incredible players my own age and worked under even more incredible teachers, I've added to my list of qualifications for grad school and what I look for in a teacher, I've gleaned ideas to influence my own teaching style... I could go on but I think you get the idea." In addition to all of that, I think I've changed my mind (once again) about what I want to do within this crazy world of professional music. I won't say just yet what my ideas are, but I think they're forming solidly in the back of my brain and will be ready to act upon very soon.

You know, despite all my complaining, and I've done a lot of it, I think I just might miss this place. See you soon.