Sunday, April 14, 2013

that's the stuff

Creativity. I am lit from within. And grateful.

Monday, February 18, 2013

missed perceptions

I have been wrong again and again and again and again, and there is no foreseeable end to the mistakenness. How exactly does one go about accepting one's inability to know the future?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Listening to my apartment is best in the morning. The swirl of passing traffic punctuated by bird song and the gentle footsteps of my neighbor upstairs... I am reminded that I am single and that I have nothing figured out yet and that is probably how I will feel for most of my life: alone and clueless. And yet, stubbornly, my sense of the poetry persists. I ride the wave of sadness and sip my coffee. (patiencepatiencepatiencepatiencepatience)