I am here! First thing's first: a story about my ever-faithful car, Lizzie Lou. She stuck with me through two long and arduous days of cross-country driving, and our joint efforts have brought us to a milestone of sorts. Or perhaps a mileage-stone?
I am proud of her.
As far as this place she has brought me to (Brevard, that is), I don't really have a whole lot to say. I've situated myself in my cabin, which has four rooms of four bunks each, plus a bathroom and an RA. (I'm on the upper bunk for now but I'm in the process of bargaining to change that.) It's extremely basic but not really that dirty... definitely tolerable. I am here to embrace the outdoors, after all. Plastic roofing (like swimming pool changing room style) and thin walls, cement floors, window AC units, but we DO have a refrigerator! This means that I don't have to subsist on cafeteria food alone.
Speaking of the cafeteria, I really think ours is alright. The food is basically the equivalent of a pretty decent high school lunchroom meal, and the salad bar is alright -- today they had pea pods! And anyway, it's all paid for and all you can eat. I think breakfast will be the best meal, which for me means tea and honey toast, and I definitely saw a canister of Lucky Charms.
I really like the practice facilities they've provided for us. There are plenty of grand pianos to go around, and almost all of the rooms have windows on three sides looking out into the woods that surround us. I walked around for a bit today and thought it was funny that I could watch everyone as they practiced... maybe a bit awkward, but we are performers after all. Some of the rooms are unfortunately without air conditioning which I can't imagine will be good for the instruments or the musicians.
I think my favorite part thus far are the trees. Huuuuge glorious tall green trees everywhere, and it smells like green things. Hopefully it won't be so hot all summer, though: it was around 90 today. They told me I'd be escaping the heat, so I hope they weren't lying!
I admittedly am going through a bout of homesickness on this first evening, but that's nothing unusual for me in a new place. I just need to get myself settled in and establish a little daily routine. And I am still very excited to see what this summer will bring.
but perhaps homesickness for lawrence (for once), rather than MN.