Things I will be doing for the last time in the next four months:
1. Performing with Concert Choir
2. Attending class as an undergraduate
3. Having a piano lesson with Professor Reber
4. Listening to KPR as I cruise down Clinton Parkway toward home
5. Coming downstairs in the morning to hear my roommate's baby daughter Amelia say "BRI!!!"
6. Teaching lessons to all my lovely piano students
7. Shopping for groceries at Checkers, sans list, singing to myself like a weirdo and really enjoying it
8. Going for a run on my 2.7 mile loop
9. Singing the Alma Mater as a non-alumnus
10. Coming home to discover that Sara/Lauren have baked something delicious
11. Showering in my purple bathroom
You would be an alumna, not alumnus. Just saying.