Wednesday, November 19, 2008

cheer-up time

Bathroom Break - video powered by Metacafe

1 comment:

  1. It's a Social Work Research Assistant position that would "assist staff with mental health services systems research. Duties involve literature reviews, preparing presentations, participating in study team meetings, interviewing research participants (data collection), data entry and management, and other tasks appropriate to the applicant's abilities."

    I interviewed on Tuesday, and it went really well. I would love love love the position, but I'm skeptical as to whether or not I'll get it. I had to turn in writing samples (which they loved, duh!), and a social work resume, and all sorts of other things. It's something I REALLY REALLY WANT.

    It involves going around Kansas and interviewing mental health facilities and determining how well their PSS (Parental Social Services) program is working. It's funded by Medicaid, as it is a Medicaid program. It sounds super fucking awesome.

