Thursday, May 14, 2009

internet addictions list

I can't stop:

1. Twittering. (What?)
2. - My version of a trashy magazine.
3. Youtube, obviously.
4. KenKen on the NYTimes website.
5. Recipes recipes recipes...
6. Dreaming of ways to decorate my apartment from West Elm.
7. Seeking that potential apartment on craigslist.
8. Facebook quizzes. Oy.
9. Flickr photos. I have a new desktop background almost daily.
10. Polyvore, but I swear to god I am not a seventeen-year-old girl.
11. NPR Music!


  1. Ew to twitter. I will never succumb (though Phil tries often to change my mind). See you Saturday!

  2. Also, you are a 17 year old girl, and that skinnycurvy thing is TRASH.

  3. Agree with Megh. Boo on Twitter. Boo on you in general. Your interests are wrong.
